These super easy Italian Cream Sodas are the perfect chilly sweet treat for those special celebrations like birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations....
Korean watermelon punch (Subak Hwachae) is a traditional Korean dessert and drink that is particularly popular during the summer months. Traditionally,...
Matthew Kenney, an acclaimed raw-food chef in California, has been creating dishes with fresh juices for years. Here, he offers up a recipe great for cleaning...
Soumatha (soo-MAH-tha) is a soft drink made from ground sweet and bitter almonds. Traditionally served at weddings & engagements because of its distinctive...
Whether you're chilling by the A/C, sitting pretty poolside or what have you, here is a delicious, whimsical drink that will help you to cool right down....
This recipe has been submitted for play in ZWT8 - India. This recipe was found on Indian Food Forever. This is a delicious, tempting shake made with almonds...
These are just like the ones you'd get at the Fair! Great summertime drink! Super sweet and very refreshing. I got this photo online from the passionate...
My family used to drink this on the farm when I was a kid. It went by the gallons when the men would come in from the fields. I was given it again recently...
I am always looking for beverages that are good for you and better than soda or other sugary drinks and I found this recipe. This beverage has strawberries...
As a child I remember Mother making Shirley Temples for us girls. Should a boy happen to be visiting she would say his was called a Roy Rogers (though...
Cold-brewed coffee is actually dirt simple to make at home using a Mason jar and a sieve. You just add water to coffee, stir, cover it and leave it out...
This is one of the first recipes that I added to my first recipe file that was my very own, back when I was in junior high school. I have used this recipe...
We love lemanade, and 3 lemons makes 2 quart people can't believe it when I tell them. Try it I promise you will be pleased... I always double this recipe,...
This recipe has been placed here for play in CQ3 - Philippines. Found at website: Melon sa Malamig is a Cantaloupe drink from the Philippines. Sa Malamig...
This is a great punch for young and old. This recipe came to us by one of our girl scout leaders many years ago and the family has been using it ever since!...
This is a refreshing drink. Cayden suggested that it was a dessert drink. But I think it would also be great for breakfast or on a hot summer afternoon....
Similar to a recipe from Aldi's, you can also serve this as a cold or warm coffee. DH doesn't like iced coffees, so now we can both enjoy the cinnamon...
This is a very easy, refreshing non alcoholic version of pina colada. You might use sugar free coconut syrup if you like, but don't use light coconut milk...
This is an easy recipe for making tomato juice. It is wonderful in soups or to drink. You can probably buy it cheaper in the market when it's on sale,...
Ginger coffee hails from Yemen and rivals any flavored coffee that comes from the coffee shops. It is sweetened with sugar and ground ginger is added....
Squeezing lemons and limes into watermelon juice and adding some seltzer produces a sparkling watermelon punch. It's a cut above lemonade. Keep a pitcher...
This is a fairly standard recipe found on several websites for making Italian Cream Sodas at home. Making them yourself is far less expensive than buying...
What a great way to have something to sip on at gatherings, holidays or in the hot summer months. This one will give the taste of a Mojito without the...
Gently seasoned with a touch of chile powder, cinnamon and vanilla, this fragrant hot chocolate recipe is not too sweet and very complex. Using both cocoa...
Great way to get some nutrients and you much needed water!!!! Water is the healthiest beverage possible, and if you're vowing to drink more of it, you...